New Passport (All Applicants must appear in person at the Tanzania Embassy for finger prints)


  • One (1) passport size photos to be uploaded online
  • Original and Copy of the Old passport
  • Original and Copy of the Birth certificate
  • Birth Certificate or Affidavit of one of the parent
  • Original and Copy of State issued ID like driver’s license, green card, school Identity, state identity etc.
  • Marriage certificate for married women
  • In case of changes on name(s), proof from the court is required
  • Passport Fee is $90 paid online while filling application
  • Shipping label or prepaid envelope

Stolen/Lost Passport


  • Police incident report
  • Newspaper advertisement
  • Notarized information of lost passport
  • Letter stating reasons for lost/ stolen or damaged passport
  • Original and Copy of State issued ID like driver’s license, green card, etc.
  • Original and Copy of Birth certificate
  • Birth Certificate or Affidavit of one of the parent
  • One (1) passport size photos to be uploaded online
  • Fee is $ 250 lost for the first time and $ 350 lost for the second time or more
  • Fee is $ 150 for damaged Electronic passport
  • Shipping label or prepaid envelope

Emergency Travel Document


  • Original and Copy of Birth certificate
  • Birth Certificate or Affidavit of one of the parent
  • One (1) passport size photos to be uploaded online
  • Complete the Emergency Travel Document (ETD) application form (
  • Original and Copy of Old Passport
  • Letter explaining reasons for applying for travel documentation
  • Copy of any U.S. ID card or documentation
  • Shipping label or prepaid envelope
  • If your old passport was stolen/lost, all procedures for stolen/lost passport are to be followed before applying for ETD application
  • You may be required for a telephonic interview, as determined by Consular Officer

Please click the link (Application steps for Emergency Travel Document) to get more information on steps for applying Emergency Travel Document.

Children born in the United States

Tanzanian citizens living abroad, are advised to apply Tanzania passport for their children under 18 years who were born in the United States provided that ,at least one of the parent is still holding Tanzania citizenship.

The following documents must be submitted along with application form:

  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Birth certificate copy of one of the child’s parent who is a citizen of Tanzania
  • Tanzania passport copy of one of the child’s parent
  • Parental letter to request Tanzania passport for the child
  • Passport fee $90 paid online
  • Child must appear at the Embassy for Fingerprints, signature and Picture

This Pass may be issued to;

  • Dependent wife;
  • Children;
  • Near relatives.


  • Application form dully filled;
  • Security Bond form dully filled (attached with stamp duty worth 500 TSH) form Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA);
  • Copy of applicant’s valid passport;
  • Passport copy of the dependant;
  • Covering letter;
  • Copy of marriage certificate for dependant wife;
  • Five passport size photographs;
  • In case of renewal- previous Dependant Pass should be attached;
  • Copy of Birth Certificate for dependent children
  • Copy of Birth Certificate if the dependant is a parent;

NOTE: A male child who is above 18 years old is not entitled to be dependent.

This pass may be issued to a foreigner for the purpose of passing through the United Republic of Tanzania to a destination outside the United Republic. Validity of the In-transit Pass shall not exceed seven days.

This Pass may be issued to a foreigner living in or entering the United Republic of Tanzania in order to afford him an opportunity to apply for and obtain a Residence Permit or Pass or complete any immigration formality.

This Pass may be issued to a prospective visitor to the United Republic of Tanzania for the purpose of:-

  • Spending holidays
  • Travelling or
  • Attending court
  • Obtaining medical treatment or
  • Any other sufficient reasons.

NOTE: The validity of Visitors pass shall not exceed 90 days or six months for citizens of the EAC Member States.


  • Re- entry pass may be issued to any person lawfully entitled to re- enter the United Republic of Tanzania after a journey to any place outside Tanzania.
  • A Re-entry Pass shall be valid for such period not exceeding the period of the validity of Residence Permit.

Business Pass may be issued for single or multiple entries to a person from the country whose nationals do not require Visa to enter the United Republic of Tanzania for the purpose of temporarily conducting business, trade, profession or assignment. The validity of Business Visa is three months and it is non- extendable.

Migrant Pass is issued to persons of African descent from neighbouring countries who migrated into the United Republic before 1972 and continues to reside without having a passport or identification from their countries of origin.

Student’s Pass 1 is issued to any person studying in approved training establishments in the country including children of persons legally residing in the country who are above the age of 18 years.

Student’s Pass 2 is issued to children of persons legally residing in the country who are below the age of 18 years and have not been endorsed in their parents Residence Permits.

PassFees in USDFees for E.A CountriesFees in TSH
Dependant Pass500150-
Dependant Pass for foreigner Wife Married to Tanzanian Husband--100,000
Business Pass200100-
Re- Entry Pass5050-
Special Pass600600-
Student Pass1200Gratis-
Student Pass 2100Gratis-
Migrant Pass--10,000